Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
Journeys Through Change inspires women to step into change with ease and grace. Your host, Noelle Van, an empowerment and change management coach who spent years coaching innovators and leaders at Apple and Sony, brings a fun and engaging perspective on how to navigate change along with inspiring and provocative conversations with women who have taken a leap into the unknown to create a life of greater joy, fulfillment and success.
Whether you’re contemplating a change in your career, relationship, health, lifestyle or anything in between, nothing is off the table. If you think you’re ready for change but need that extra little nudge to make it happen, this will motivate you to let go of the excuses and say yes to possibility in all areas of your life.
Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
Asking for What You're Worth
Asking for what we’re worth is more than finding the right words to say. It’s about shifting the deep-seated beliefs we’ve been holding onto for years that we’re not measuring up to some standard we feel we need to meet in order to deserve more. These mindset patterns hold us back, causing us to accept less than what we deserve. What we don't realize is whether we are business owners, working for someone else, or simply advocating for ourselves on a personal level, this skill is immensely important. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m discussing an important topic: how to ask for what you’re worth.
Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you sign up now AND use the discount code NEW20 for 20% off your Day by Daybook® here.
In this episode, I discuss:
- Why many of us struggle to advocate for ourselves.
- The mindset shifts necessary to go from undervaluing yourself to asking for your worth.
- Common signs that you’re not seeing your true value.
- How confidence directly impacts your success.
- Practical questions to reflect on your self-worth and identify steps to start acting your value.
Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Daybook®, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort of those shifts in life that are pushing you to that next level of growth and learning. Get your Day by Daybook® here.
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