Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love

Laurie-Ann Murabito: From Painfully Shy to Public Speaking Coach- How Accepting a Challenge Can Lead to Unlimited Success

Noelle Van Episode 89

Have you ever looked back and recalled a defining moment or event that took your life or career in an entirely different direction? Sometimes, it can take years to recognize it with greater understanding, but when it hits you, it all seems to make sense. Former shy girl Laurie-Ann Murabito experienced this firsthand when she challenged herself to connect with more people, led her on a journey to honing her skills, becoming a public speaker, and coaching others to do the same. This week on Journeys Through Change, my guest Laurie-Ann Murabito and I discuss her path from being painfully shy to becoming a public speaking coach!

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Laurie-Ann Murabito is a reformed, painfully shy gal who couldn't make eye contact with others and accidentally became a professional speaker. 2x Best Selling Author of Rethink Leadership and Rethink Your Leadership. Host of Be IN Demand, a Top 1.5% podcast. A few of her clients are Johnson & Johnson, American Towers, and Far East Recycling. Today, Laurie-Ann works with coaches, consultants, and service providers who hate to sell and help them write and deliver a speech that does the selling for them. Her clients routinely step off the stage to more clients, leads, and future stage bookings.

In this episode, Laurie-Ann and I discuss:

  • How the simple challenge of making more eye contact with people was the first step in building self-confidence. 
  • Her transition from cardiology to medical device sales, to discovering her passion for speaking and the mistakes she made along the way.
  • Insights into the art of public speaking, from imaging successful outcomes to mastering the science of audience engagement. 
  • Practical advice for aspiring speakers and how her group program can kick-start your speaking career. 

Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Daybook®, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort of those shifts in life that are pushing you to that next level of growth and learning. Get your Day by Daybook® here. 

If you enjoyed this episode don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me what resonated with you.


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