Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
Journeys Through Change inspires women to step into change with ease and grace. Your host, Noelle Van, an empowerment and change management coach who spent years coaching innovators and leaders at Apple and Sony, brings a fun and engaging perspective on how to navigate change along with inspiring and provocative conversations with women who have taken a leap into the unknown to create a life of greater joy, fulfillment and success.
Whether you’re contemplating a change in your career, relationship, health, lifestyle or anything in between, nothing is off the table. If you think you’re ready for change but need that extra little nudge to make it happen, this will motivate you to let go of the excuses and say yes to possibility in all areas of your life.
Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love
Taking Accountability and Letting Go of Victimhood
Today’s topic is something I think we can all relate to (whether we want to or not), and that is taking accountability in our own lives. It's often something that becomes more apparent with time because as we get older, we begin to see more clearly how everything is connected and how our decisions create our outcomes. As we mature, it becomes easier to accept that we have a greater hand to play in shaping our lives than we ever felt we did when we were younger. But let's face it: it takes a certain level of maturity to put down our defenses and actually own what's happening in our lives and take on the responsibility of where we find ourselves today. This week on Journeys Through Change, I’m talking about taking accountability and letting go of victimhood.
Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you sign up now AND use the discount code NEW20 for 20% off your Day by Daybook® here .
In this episode, I discuss:
- How playing the victim can keep you stuck, and why shifting away from this mindset is crucial for growth.
- The empowering realization that if you created your current situation, you also have the power to change it.
- Practical steps to begin taking accountability in your life.
Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Daybook®, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort of those shifts in life that are pushing you to that next level of growth and learning. Get your Day by Daybook® here.
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