Journeys Through Change- Inspiration for Women to Create a Life they Love

Become Unstoppable by Strengthening Your Resilience

Noelle Van Episode 64

The topic of resiliency is one of my favorites to talk about because like it or not, it has everything to do with how we cope with our world when the ground is constantly shifting beneath our feet. Our ability to be resilient at any time can either make or break our experience in life, powering us through or stopping us in our tracks. This week on Journeys Through Change, I continue my series covering the 6 pillars outlined in my Change Maker Series as I discuss becoming unstoppable by strengthening your resilience.

Get 50% off the Change Maker Series if you sign up now AND use the discount code NEW20 for 20% off your Day by Daybook®  here.

In this episode, I discuss:

  • Strengthening our emotional regulation muscle so we can manage our emotions and reactions in unfavorable situations, allowing us to reduce and manage our stress.
  • Maintaining a hopeful and positive mindset even in difficult times. 
  • Being persistent and having the determination to stay committed to your goals despite any setbacks that arise.

I want you to start thinking about adversity and challenge as a stepping stone to greater strength and personal growth. This will feel difficult at times, but all that is put in your path is meant to make you stronger and knowing this helps you tackle anything that comes your way.

Change is inevitable. That’s why I designed the Day by Daybook®, a guided journal to help you face the discomfort of those shifts in life that are pushing you to that next level of growth and learning. Get your Day by Daybook® here. 

If you enjoyed this episode don’t forget to follow, rate, and review the podcast and tell me what resonated with you.


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